Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Nick Colaco

Today's began with Mr. Rivers reminding the class to be constantly checking the class blog schedule to ensure that we each create our blog post on time. We then moved on to creating and  discussing examples of the literary terms that the last group to present the previous day had taught us. After that group had finished, the next groups went up to teach the class about literary devices from Assonance, which is the repetition of a sound or vowel that doesn't rhyme, to Personification, which is using human attributes to give human like qualities to an inhuman thing or object. After the groups presented their words we then convened in our groups and created more examples for the terms. It was also at this time that Mr. Rivers had to make the executive decision to prohibit the use of fellow students names in our examples. Mr. Rivers then told us about his redneck drivers ed teacher Mr. Weister who when asked what should you do if you hit an inanimate object responded " What like a spaceship?".  We finished the class by working in our groups to create more examples of the literary devices.

1 comment:

  1. Nice details here, Nick! You do a nice job of keeping this tone conversational, which is perfect for a blog. Great image too!
