Monday, September 19, 2016

Our Class Blog

Hey, Gang!

Welcome to our class blog. I realize that it looks pretty empty right now, but that's where YOU come in! You will be responsible for filling this blog with quality writing! Someone in our class will be responsible for posting a blog by 10pm EACH NIGHT!

A Quality Blog...

  • Reflects on the work that we have done in class that day (including objectives and inquiries)
  • Uses titles, paragraphs, and stylistic choices to compose a clear and specific account of our day
  • Draws in SPECIFIC examples from individual experiences/activities (including your first name and last intial (e.g. Bilbo B.) 
  • Includes some form of media (image, YouTube video, etc.) that connects to what we talked about in class

Your blogging will make up your entire homework grade. Each post will be worth 5 points for its ability to accomplish the objectives above. Blogs posted after 10pm on the day they are due will lose 1 point, and after midnight they will lose 2. Please be proactive with the schedule; if you have to work on Thursday and are scheduled to post on Thursday, then talk to another student (AND ME) about switching spots on the official calendar. Please make sure that you post in the proper class. Don't forget to click PUBLISH!

To login and post your blog, follow the instructions on the YouTube Video.

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