Wednesday, January 18, 2017

1/18 - Justin Rhodes

Hello class,
Today we started out by discussing what will be going on for Thursday with the summative coming up, which will be a summative based on whether The Great Gatsby was a Romantic , or modern novel. You could also argue that it has both qualities of these styles in your paper. You will be required to use quotes, as well as showing strong knowledge of having read the book, with good evidence for your argument. After discussing the summative, we began to work on the Formative that will be due on Sunday. In the formative, you had to pick a character from the Great Gatsby, then select a passage involving that character. You would then rewrite a new passage from that characters perspective, creating new dialogue, as well as revealing what the character may have thought when they had been put in that situation. If you are doing this by yourself, you only have to write 500 words. For each extra group member, you have to do an extra 250 words in the assignment. In the assignment, you should have smooth transitions, as well as a good amount of dialogue within your rewritten passage.

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