Friday, January 6, 2017

Brianna L- 1/6/17

In class this week each podcast group had a choice of what order to do a number of assignments. These included submitting a revised version of our Feast Review, pre-production time, and our final podcast. Now that our class Feast review is all assembled everyone is responsible for going back and editing it to make it the best it could be. This includes adding a title, changing the sequence, deleting, and tweaking. Like before every podcast groups must complete the pre-production page and plan out what they are planning to do. This helps the podcast go more smoothly. Finally groups must record there final podcast which talks about the fourth movie and ending of the chosen book. No matter what days groups chose to do each of the assignments they are all expected to be done on time. The pre-production and podcast are due today, Friday and the Feast review is due Monday. The Feast review should be edited to flow better and make sense as well as add additional info. The pre-production page should have objective and questions. The final podcast should be the best yet with good discussion questions, quotes, and evidence.

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