Thursday, January 26, 2017

Patricia Aldrich 1.26.17

Today in class we watched Bowling for Columbine again. The author's argument still applied to gun safety and control but today he focused more on how gun owners are too irresponsible for guns. One of the claims made was that "Gun owners are not responsible enough to have such lose gun control laws". The author helped to prove his argument by using a particular shot of a mother with her child. In the shot the mother was outside clearly with other hunters and bundled up because it was presumably cold outside. The baby was crawling around outside in the tent naked. Because the mom had a naked baby it made her argument for loose gun control laws less credible. Another shot the author chose to use was militia men talking about how responsible you need to be to own a gun and then on the screen was a shot of a poster of women half naked lying on american flags. This shot showed that you can not take anything that these militia men were saying seriously which also made their argument less credible. The whole class we watched the documentary and we had to write one claim we saw and also 2-3 sentences describing how the author proves his claim.
Image result for guns being unsafe

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