Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Elias Frieling 1/4/17

In class today we started off discussing which is the most tragic out of 4 events, an nfl player being paid $13 million dollars this year down from $15 million, a surgeon who was texting and driving crashing her car, breaking all the bones in her hands, and never being able to walk again, a 17 year old dog getting eaten by a bear, or a failing high school student failing even harder. We thought the high school student was the most tragic since it is obvious the teaching was not trying to help the student.
We then discussed romantic endings in texts such as Rip Van Winkle and the Tell Tale Heart which have absolute good endings and and absolute bad endings.In Rip Van Winkle his wife is gone and he just gets to chill out for the rest of his days in the brand new United States. In Tell Tale Heart, the narrator goes absolutely insane and admits to killing a man because he can hear his heartbeat in the floorboards. We then discussed possible romantic endings for The Great Gatsby, such as everything being happy ever after with everyone loving and being with who they want to be with, Wilson being happy, and everyone making even more money. Then we discussed the modernist side of things where everything is not absolute and there are different perspectives. What is good to one character may be bad for another such as if Gatsby and Daisy get married, that is not so good for Tom. We also talked about our homework that is due tomorrow, read Chapter 7 and analyze how Fitzgerald creates or gets rid of tension during 3 different parts of the chapter, the two ends, on the way to NYC and back home from NYC, and the middle.

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