Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Connor Gormley Make Up Blog


Today in class we started our work for our research paper. We started watching the documentary "Bowling for Columbine", which is a documentary about the school shooting that happened in Columbine, Colorado. In the beginning, we analyzed the title of the documentary. We knew what the words "bowling" and the word 'for" meant, but we discussed in our seats what Columbine meant and what its significance is. We came to the conclusion that it was the school shooting the happened in the small suburban town of Columbine, Colorado. The title is an allusion is a reference to the fact that the two school shooters went bowling before shooting up the school. Then we dove into the movie. In the beginning the director Michael Moore goes into a bank and gets a gun with a very limited background check. His argument is shown here, which is "guns are too easy to obtain in the United States." The shots that he uses in this also illustrate his point of view by showing guns on the shelf in the back to show how easily obtained. He also shows a poster of the ad to get the free gun, which shows that these guns are available to everyone. He then shows an interview with a Michigan police officer which intends to lessen the other opinion's credibility. This officer doesn't seem very smart and takes the incident too seriously. This incident where somebody was shot with his own gun after using very little caution show that gun owners are very laid-back with their gun use. At the end he adds a clip of Chris Rock to give comic relief that also aims to entertain the audience and take a break from the seriousness of the topic.
Image result for images of dog in bowling for columbine

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