Thursday, December 15, 2016

12-15-16 Jimmy Bliss

Today in English class, Mr. Rivers explained in detail our "Does Money Buy Happiness" assignment. Mr. Rivers stated that this assignment will be due on Monday morning, instead of the original Friday due date, in effort to give us enough time to work on it thoroughly. Mr. Rivers assigned us each a power point to complete, each listing what needs to be done in order to receive full credit. First, you must make your stance on if you believe money can buy happiness or not, and support your answer with articles and quotes. For example, I said that money can buy happiness, and found an article to prove my points. After you find online articles, you must find 2 quotes from "The Great Gatsby" and explain how they support your answer. Finally, you have to find a song that supports your side of the argument. You must insert lyrics to the song you are analyzing, and then provide a link to the source. On the next slide, one must explain how their song relates and strengthens their argument. The final step in the project is to write your conclusion. This includes your concluding thoughts about whether or not money can buy happiness. We had the entire period to work on this project.

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