Wednesday, December 14, 2016

12-14-16 Connor Gormley

Today in class we went over the blog post of the former day.  We went over Robbie's analysis of what happened on Mr. Rivers's day off, but first we had a quick lesson in possessive nouns like "Mr. Rivers's day off". We learned that if a proper noun ends with an "s" then you still put an apostrophe s even though it may look or sound funny. If it not a proper noun and it ends in s then you just put an apostrophe at the end. After this quick tutorial we analyzed Robbie's blog post of yesterday. Robbie's post could either be determined as fact of fiction depending on your perception. I was personally there and I could swear that it happen, but if you look at the blog post of Julia you can see that see interpreted the day very differently. After inspecting this blog we then turned our attention to Gatsby. We discussed Daisy and Gatsby's interaction and meeting. We realized that the weather is a symbol for how Jay is feeling. Whenever Jay is feeling anxious and nervous the weather is always raining. Once he gains confidence though the sky clears up and becomes sunny. In the beginning of their meeting Gatsby acts very clumsy and unlike his normal self when he meets Daisy. This could possibly because this has been more than 5 years in the making and he is super nervous. At first the interaction is awkward but then once Nick leaves them alone he comes back to them hitting it off. Once Gatsby shows Daisy him house and they go there she becomes a lot more interested in Jay. This could possibly point out the fact that Daisy is potentially a gold digger. After a while Nick realizes that he is not needed anymore and he leaves. This shows that Gatsby is not very grateful for Nick's help in reigniting the spark between Daisy and Jay.

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