Wednesday, December 7, 2016

12/7/16 Nick Colaco

Today in class our objectives were to be able to distinguish between framing narratives and nonlinear narratives, as well as to analyze how poetry and music present modern romantic ideals. Mr. Rivers then taught us about what a framing narrative is, it is a story within a story. Think of inception, how throughout the movie they go into people dreams and then to dreams within those dreams. Framing narratives are the same concept, someone is telling a story and in that story is another story. An example of this would be Frankenstein, the story is told by Captain Walton who describes Victor Frankenstein, who describes the creature. We learned that this way of telling a story within a story dates back to the likes of Home and Chaucer and is even seen is Shakespeare's works. This method of narrative is effective at showing how one story affects another which affects another which affects the bigger picture in a sort of domino affect. Framing narratives emphasis how people in a story communicate with one another and how that affects the story as a whole. We then discussed what makes a story linear. Linear stories have a logical progression of cause and effect, then move forward in time in a linear and logical way, there is no jumping back and fourth in time. Nonlinear narratives blur the line, the may make jumps in time, this makes the story complex. Instead of using the same progression from rising action to climax to falling action and then to resolution, they may begin or jump to different parts of that progression at any point in the story. An example of this is the movie Pulp Fiction, the story follows different characters through different periods of time and then brings it all together in the end.  After this we watch a short clip from the princess bride and Discussed how the kid and his grandfather differed from Buttercup and Wesley. We then moved on to discussing the poem  I carry your heart with me by e.e. Cummings.

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