Monday, December 19, 2016

Sergei O'Sullivan 12/19/2016

IWBAT distinguish between topic and theme
IWBAT analyze how multiple texts can develop different themes about a common Text

Today in class we discussed the difference between Topic and Theme. This discussion clarified what past teachers have attempted to teach us. We learned how a Topic is an idea or subject that occurs in the text. We went into different topics that have been present in the Great Gatsby. This included Daisy's and Gatsby relationship, partying, wealth, and concluded that there are many more we could have talked about. After this we went on to explain what theme is, and how it is different from topics. A theme is a particular Claim about a topic. These claims should be supported by the text. Some of examples were, "Spending money is more important than being with family" and "Christmas is a time for punishment and fear". These examples are taking a stance, thus making them a theme. We talked about myths about myths which was ....
  1. There are only one single theme for a text
    1. There are MANY themes, (of varying importance)
  2. A theme is a lesson
    1. When you're younger--. Complex texts develop more complex themes
  3. A theme is can be only one word long
    1. NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!! That's a topic.
After debunking these myths, we we talked about different topics in Notorious B.I.G.’s song, “Juicy”. That included Childhood, struggle, stereotypes, discrimination, money, The American Dream.
Image result for notorious big quotes

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