Wednesday, February 22, 2017

2/22/17 Elias Frieling

Today in class we further discussed our research paper. We talked about how to make a good thesis statement by using Who, What, Where, When and Why to make our thesis specific. In addition making a thesis statement is not a one step process, it is very helpful to make a simple one at first and then revise it to make it better afterwards. In a good thesis you should create a specific argument and then create a plan for the rest of your essay in how you support what your thesis argued. After we talked about thesis statements we began to use what we learned on Friday to start our outlines. We are going to be given tomorrow and Friday as well to work on our outlines which will be due on Monday. In our outline we must have our thesis statement, topic sentences, and evidence from our research cards, in a clean, clear format to base our final essay on. Overall today was not that eventful, but was a good starting step for writing our essay

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