Monday, February 13, 2017

Nick Elnasser 2/13/17

Hello class,

Today, Mr.Rivers started off by giving everyone a small index card when we walked in. He drew a table on the board for us to draw on the index card which would show him our progress for our documentary note cards. The chart was 3x3 and going down was dates, and going across was How many note cards are done, How many articles do you have, and How many documentary sources do you have. We were supposed to set goals for ourselves to complete by the end of today and tomorrow and at the end of the period write down whether we completed those goals or not.  He then said that we don't have to lie about how many note cards we did because this isn't graded, he just wants to see how far along we are. Once everybody finished filling in the chart we got right to work on completing more note cards. We independently worked for the whole period and we got a lot more note cards completed. All 25 note cards are due at 11:59 P.M. on Wednesday. Right before the bell, Mr.Rivers asked to check whether we completed our goals. He said to put a check mark if it was completed, a + if you exceeded it, and a - if you did not reach it. Once we completed doing that Mr.Rivers walked around the room and collected our index cards. Finally, everyone logged off and shut down their computers and we were all off to the next class.

Image result for index cards

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