Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Robbie Gennat 2/7/17

Good evening classmates. Class today took place right after lunch as it was a day 2. The weather was rainy, painting the scene for a dreary class. We started class by reviewing the new blog schedule. You can acces this on google classroom. It is a table and allows you to sign up for the days you want. Most of the days are filled already so you might not get a choice in the day you want. Nevertheless, put your first name and last initial with you period in parentheses. For the second day put your name in all caps. We then continued with the note cards we were making yesterday. After getting a practice note card on Bowling for Columbine approved, we continued onto our own documentary's note cards. We were exposed to a plethora of databases that we should use in our research. Mr Rivers went around all class helping students with their note cards. After a sneaky bathroom escape by student (he left without asking, signing out, and grabbing a pass), Mr Rivers reviewed the classroom policy on bathroom breaks. He reassured us to ask him, sign out and then grab a pass. By doing this, all parties involved are safe and liable. To wrap up class we signed out and hung out. We will continue working on the note cards tomorrow. Please come to class tomorrow with a smile and positive attitude. Let's make tomorrow the best class ever. Rumor has it tomorrow is Mr Rivers birthday so be sure to wish him a good one in class. With best regards and gratitude, this your friend Robbie signing off.

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