Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Sean Patrick Scully III - 2.7.2017

Good evening fellow classmates,
Today in class, we began to choose our schedules for blogs for MP3 and this time around we were able to choose our own date. I chose today so I could get this over with, and not accidentally forget. Then we were informed more on the current project we will be working on until the beginning of March, which is the documentary-based argumentative essay. The beginning part that we are working on are the "note cards" to help us form source based evidence using quotes to form arguments opposing or defending our chosen documentary and the arguments within it. We began class to re-inform ourselves of what our task is, and then we began to work independently towards our own project and documentary information. We use official site based research websites to counter or argue for our documentary's arguments. Overall, we mostly worked independently today in class, and not much was said out loud between the class. However, as Rivers reminded us, when we are doing independent work it is entirely up to us to how efficiently we want to use that class time. He also reminded us that we are able to go the bathroom whenever we want, but we MUST sign out and take the pass, or else that PRIVILEGE will be revoked immediately.
Lastly, and most importantly, apparently today is Mr.Rivers's Birthday, and maybe I was just not listening to when he said it, but I don't recall him ever saying that. So we should all wish in our hearts tonight for Mr.Rivers's to have a joyous birthday, and receive many great gifts.
Thank you,
Sean Patrick Scully III



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