Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Kurz 2/28

Today during class we analyzed what a counterclaim is. In this process we watched a scene of "Bowling for Columbine" involving the scene with Marilyn Manson. We had to talk as a class to come up with all of the claims used against Marilyn Manson and the way Manson and the director disproved them in the interview. We analyzed how Manson was refuting and disproving the ideas and theory that he was one of the biggest causes for the shooting. During this we also analyzed what kinds of counterclaims there are and how to use them. As a table we had a row of types of counterclaims and what they are and how each one can be used to make your argument stronger. Each person had to define the type of counterclaim and write our own counterclaim of that kind based on our claim for the research paper and explain each one . After we wrote the claims, four per person, we had to write 2-3 sentences refuting the claim for each one. The website for the types of counterclaims was posted by Mr. Rivers classroom and the types of counterclaims were the six columns. Each type of counterclaim had the definition right under the word when the little picture icon was clicked on. Each person's claims and answers were answered under the link in the answers on classroom. The counterclaims will soon be used in our paper depending on which one suits your argument better. This will be very helpful to know in the near future.

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