Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Zabrina Branning 3/1/17

Today in class we continued looking into the different logical fallacies in preparation to improve possible counterclaims we may put into our future research paper. Within my group, we looked into the four fallacies known as appeal to authority, genetic, appeal to nature, and middle ground. Mr. Rivers explained how based on our different claims and topics in our paper, we will have to refute the possible counterclaims, but our argument should be based on the logical fallacies reviewed in class. Following up the work we started in class yesterday, defining the different fallacies and learning what they mean, today, we created possible counterclaims to our own research paper topics, then refuted them, pretending if someone were to argue our topics, and refuting their arguments. We had to make a counterclaim and rebuttal for all four fallacies we looked into as a group, each 2-3 sentences long, then prepared to submit it in Google Classroom. We ran out of time in class to review and talk with other groups to learn about other possible fallacies that could be representative as counterclaims in our research paper. If not done in class today, we must finish completing the counterclaims for homework so it is prepared for class tomorrow, while he is out, preferably by 7:00 AM tomorrow.

Image result for fallacies

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