Wednesday, March 22, 2017

3.22.17 Patricia Aldrich

Today to start class we watched James' blob fish video from when he was a freshman. It was actually so funny that everyone was laughing out loud, one time I saw Mr. Rivers laugh and his head went back, so that just shows how funny it was. Then we wrote down our objectives (IWBAT reflect on my argumentative writing process & IWBAT evaluate how an essay prompt affects an essay's outcome). Everyone got SAT essay prompts so we could see for ourselves how ridiculous and vague they used to be back in 2012. We pointed out that they did not come with an article so there was no evidence to prove your point, they also did not tell give the writer any direction to go in so they would be hard to write a good essay from. After that Mr. Rivers gave us a poem and from it we had to find examples of metaphor, anaphora, antithesis, personification, and parallelism. These are some examples... symphony of one (antithesis), our son is her beautiful reprise (metaphor), this show is proof history remembers (personification), she nudges... she is... (anaphora). We discussed multiple examples of each until the class ended and also went over the definition for each of those terms because the majority of the class had seemed to forget what all the terms meant because we hadn't talked about them since October.
Image result for blobfish

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