Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Jimmy Bliss 3/8/17

Today in English, Mr. Rivers demonstrated how to use to the class. Mr. Rivers created a mock assignment, as each of us were instructed to submit something into the assignment and hit submit.Some people decided to copy and paste parts of books, blog schedules, song lyrics, etc into the mock assignment. Once you hit submit, a little pop-up should follow, ensuring that your submission actually occurred. After we completed the mock assignment, Mr. Rivers instructed us to continue working on our best draft ever. It's not a "rough draft" because often times, people tend to use minimal effort in their rough drafts. On the day prior to today, Mr Rivers taught us how to write an effective introduction, as well as a powerful conclusion. So, today many students took that information to further develop their best drafts ever, as it was still fresh in their memories. The rest of the class was spent with the entire class working strongly on our argumentative essays. At the end of the class, Mr. Rivers reminded us that our best drafts ever were due on Thursday, March 9th at 11:59 PM. This must be submitted on or else you will receive a 0.
Image result for anti plagiarism

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