Tuesday, October 4, 2016

10-4-2016 Connor Gormley

Today our IWBAT were to evaluate how a text establishes purpose and interrogate my text to add specificity in my writing. We got into our groups from yesterday and created sentences that told of the purpose of Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. After constructing these sentences we shared them on the board, my groups was, "Jonathan Edwards's speech beseeches the reader to attend mass  which results in a happy life" TO clean up your topic sentence you can take out "to be verbs" such as is, was, were, am, and are. After construction these we realized that these sentences could be  either claims, topic sentences, or thesis sentences. We learned how to construct more advanced thesis sentences. A basic sentence would be "TEXT TITLE' used pathos, logos, and ethos to PURPOSE." To make better sentences using INTERROGATIVE ADVERBS is a major key. These are who, what, when, where, when, why, and how. By doing this my group and I revised our sentence to "Jonathan Edwards's, and 1800's preacher, speech beseeches the reader to attend mass by using fear and imitation which results in a happy life and a spiritual connection with God.

1 comment:

  1. Nice details in this analysis, Connor. I like that you include your group's specific sentences, so that even someone who was absent can see the TYPE of work that we did in class. Don't forget a picture (or other form of media)!
