Monday, October 3, 2016

October 3rd, 2016. A Post by Robbie Gennat.

Today began like every other day of English with Mr. Rivers; he said "let's dive right in!" The first activity we did was look a writing prompt. The prompt was from the college board website and was very similar to the essay question that is on the SAT. We read the prompt and then decided what kind of analysis we were doing. The prompt was asking us to do a rhetorical analysis. Then, as a class we reviewed the difference between literary and rhetorical writing. In case you have forgot, literary tells a story and has a plot whereas rhetorical is argumentative and is meant to persuade. From there, we redefined the rhetorical devices of ethos, pathos, and logos. To close class, we split into six groups. Three groups had the first page of the sinners text we read yesterday, while the other three groups had the next page. The three groups then choose which rhetorical pyramid device they wanted to highlight and analysis in the text. After reading the text and highlighting, we all scattered to share with other groups what we found and why. Class today was fun not because the stuff we did, but how we did it. Rivers sprinkled in his comedic charm whenever it seemed fit and that made class today fly by. I hope you are caught up now and ready to continue learning tomorrow. If you have any questions on what we did today, feel free to ask me in school tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Nice analysis here, Robbie. You do a great job of balancing a very personal/casual tone (through your use of first/second person pronouns) while still staying academic and thoughtful. Keep it up!
