Thursday, October 20, 2016

Samantha Russo- 10/20

Hello class,
So today was back to the regular class ritual where many notes were taken. Today in class we analyzed changes in literary and historical trends, we also talked a little bout how romanticism and rationalism contrast. First, Mr. Rivers gave us the question "What would a rationalist say about your morning yesterday?" The class had mostly agreed that a rationalist would like the idea of the test scores and the data the scores reflect, the fact that there were four sections for everyone, it will familiarize students with the format of the test, and because of all these factors it is most definitely not a waste of time. Some other opinions had shared that rationalists would not accept the logic behind the test. The next question that Mr. Rivers asked was "What would a rationalist say about your afternoon yesterday?", Some people said that a rationalist would have thought it was a good logical idea after four hours of testing, others claimed that a rationalist would have thought oh my goodness all they did was look at trees what a pointless waste of time. The second part of the class started out with the products of rationalism for example the Industrial Revolution and milestones that lead to romanticism like the Louisiana Purchase. Then, mr. rivers went on to explain the characteristics of romanticism which are the following: Values feeling and intuition over reason, places faith in inner experiences and the power of the imagination, shuns the artificiality of civilization and seeks unspoiled nature, prefers youthful innocence to educate sophistication. There are a few more, and I found this to be a very interesting topic, but that is all we got to in class today!
Samantha Russo

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