Thursday, October 13, 2016

James Lynch 10/13/16

James Lynch
Mr. Rivers
CP English 10

Today In class we talked about how history is just trends that occur over time (and space). Also, how different people view history, or any subject, differently. People look at those things through a “historic lens” which is how someone views history. It can make some details vivid and other details dull. As a whole class, we talked about how Thomas Paine’s book, Common Sense, talks to a more educated audience, and uses logos, throughout the writing. In the writing, The Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, makes the reader feel guilt, shame, and fear throughout the writing, and also uses pathos throughout the writing to provoke emotion from the reader. He also makes the reader feel accused, and talks to the audience, whereas in Thomas Paine’s writing he sparks patriotism by using words like “we” and “us”. After we talked in groups, we talked about how each writing had different moods. Sinners mood was more dark, and angry/fearful, and Common sense was more casual. Later during the class, we talked about the rise of rationalism (18th-mid 19th century). Advantages of rationalism are having logic and reason to help establish organization, and it makes us as students realize that education is important. Afterwards, we talked about dangers of rationalism, how there is no room for religion, and who are the ones who control education. Rationalism is a part of the growth of America. That is all we talked about in class today, thanks for tuning in to the Rivers blog.

1 comment:

  1. Nice description of our events here, but this doesn't have to be so formal! Remember that your blog is a chance for you to make the learning personal. Don't forget an image or video (or some other form of media) to take this to the next level.
