Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Olivia Agius 9/30/16

Today in class Mr. Rivers was absent, so our work was on google classroom. We looked at a passage called "Sinners In The Hands of an Angry G/d" by Jonathan Edwards. This was about how G/d deals with sinners, and how wrong to sin is. Our job was to read it and as a group find sentences that had literary devices plugged into it. These literary devices came from the literary toolbox we created in class this past week. While reading and pulling out literary devices, my group discovered a lot. There was hyperboles, personification, and an overwhelming amount of imagery throughout the text, along with more devices. We were to post three examples of literary devices that we discovered as group on classroom. For example, "However you may have reformed your life in many things, and may have had religious affections, and may keep up a form of religion in your families and closets, and in the house of G/d, it is nothing but his mere pleasure...." (Edwards). This is an example of a polysyndeton, which is a literary device that repeats conjunctions such as and or but. The entire class has posted them on Google Classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Nice reflection on the specific analysis you were able to find. The rhetorical devices are clearly analyzed and well explained. Don't forget to post an image!
