Wednesday, October 5, 2016

10/5/16 blog - Jimmy Bliss

Jimmy Bliss

On Wednesday, October 5th, Mr. Rivers instructed us to work with our groups that were assigned on Monday, some divided into groups as little as 4, and other groups were larger, consisting on 6 or 7 students. In these groups we were told to create a thesis statement about the speech "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" by 18th century philosopher Jonathan Edwards. Our thesis statement was about how the speech persuaded the audience to perform certain actions, and how the action that has been performed will alter their life. For example, in the speech, Edwards uses imagery to persuade the reader to go to church, and in doing so, will allow the reader to live a happier and healthier life, and in doing so, will result in a spiritual connection with God. If one does not follow his directions, God will be angry and will punish that person. After we created our thesis statements, we were instructed to strengthen our thesis statements by making them more specific, and able to answer the question words who, what, where, when, why and how. After these strengthened thesis statements were constructed, we started working on topic sentences that would make our essays stronger. My group used pathos as an example, and explained that by not attending church, God will be angry and punish you. If one attended church regularly, god will not punish you, and will reward you. We, then, strengthened our topic sentences to break down the text even further. We spent the entire class period working on the instructions given above.    

1 comment:

  1. Nice post, Jimmy. This would really help out someone who wasn't in class yesterday. I like how you blend class-wide activities with your own personal inquiries and discovery. Don't forget to include an image or other piece of media!
