Thursday, October 20, 2016

Gillian Kee 10/20/16

Today in class we discussed literacy and romanticism:

  • First: started with talking about rationalism: 
    • What would a rationalist think about the PSATs?
      • They would think they are important
      • Love the idea of scores 
      • may reject the logic of the test itself
    • What would a rationalist think about our class yesterday(going outside)? 
      • a WASTE of time 
        • mindless 
        • pointless 
      • a logical necessity for a student to have to go outside after 4 hours of testing. 
  • Second: American Romanticism
    • Characteristics: 
      • values, feelings, intuition over reason (trust your emotions over logic) 
      • places faith in inner experience 
      • shuns (to reject) the artificially of civilization and seek unspoiled nature 
      • prefer youthful innocence of educated adults. 
    • Products of rationalism:
      • political and social milestones:
        • Louisianan Purchase
        • gold rush 
        • education reform 
      • Industrial Revolution 
        • writers contemplate the positives and negatives of industrializing 
These are my notes from our class period on 10/20/16, we just discussed the differences between a rationalist and romanticism. At the end of class we discussed how a romanticist would feel about religion (we did not take notes on this yet), they would feel having faith is good, but god itself is a lie. Hope this sums up and helps with what you may have missed.
Image result for romanticism

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