Thursday, October 13, 2016

Alexis Reeder 10/11/16

The class is now able to apply a historical lens to identify literary and rhetoric trends and evaluate how changes in writing reflect changes in history, philosophy, and culture. A lens affects how something is viewed and also makes certain details vivid and others dull. Trends are patterns all around us which makes culture much easier to follow. Culture is the different types of societies all around us. History is recorded information/events of the past (written word). It's also trends that happened over time (and space). Historical lens develops reciprocal relationships. Philosophy is the study of knowledge, reality, and existence of oneself. The text reinforces history and the history reinforces the text.

In class, we discussed, What does

“Sinners” teach us about the Great Awakening (1730-1745)?  We all agreed that the text was religion is not always uplifting and people without an education, have No say in an argument or agreement. In history, society is run by religion and education is always reliable.

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