Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Bagels Bagels Bagels! 11/22

Nadir Hassan
Mr. Rivers, Ms. Dalia
English CP 11
22 November 2016

Bagels Bagels Bagels!
Today in class was quite, interesting. That is a huge understatement but for lack of better words let's stick with that. Instead of the traditional Mr. Rivers lecturing most of the period with his enthusiastic cheer and jubilance, we did something a little different. We got to see how opportunity and legacy really had an effect on society, but on a much smaller scale, a classroom scale. First, we were established with our groups. After choosing a number, we got a specific task sheet associated with that number and was told to establish three necessities in everyday life, food (a hamburger), education (a book), shelter (a house), and minerals (a ring?). Each commodity was required to be made with exact measurements and exact pieces of paper. There was different sheets of paper, lined paper, white paper, wavy paper, and log paper. Groups in the class had to trade with one another for certain materials. Some had rulers while others did not. Some had scissors while others did not. Some had a pen while others did not. If the first group to make all of the items listed on the task sheet, it was a necessity to trade with other groups. After much trading and heated talking amongst the groups, my group came out victorious. However, we were able to do so well for the most part, we just got lucky. We had the most items to start out with in the beginning which allowed us to easily trade with other people and finish before anyone else could. We came up with ideas like disfiguring paper clips to attach the house together instead of using glue. We also could have made another ruler out of the  excess paper and "sold" it to another group for their materials that we needed. It was quite fun to see everyone scramble and talk with one another just to get the prize of eating a bagel in front of the losers' faces tomorrow in class.This is related to the real world, more specifically capitalistic America because it shows that hard work is not everything. Some people may carry three jobs, work day and night shifts but still be the poorest of the poor. Is it fair? Of course not, but that is the reality. The reality is the fact that without opportunity or legacy to back up hard work, it will just be for nothing and will not amount to the success of being rich and well-known throughout society. Opportunity and legacy are two factors that define success and without them, no matter how hard someone works, they will not be able to achieve the same amount of success than someone who has been given a chance or has a title to their family name. 

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