Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Chloe Rippey- 11/22/16

My group today, in my opinion, had achieved success. We did not come out with the win, but from what Mr. Rivers explained was that the group 4 supplies were the least beneficial to the success of the group. My group was group 4, but we managed to trade correctly and we were very close to winning. This can be seen as successful because we out weighed the odds of not being able to win this activity. What mostly helped our group to succeed was working together we did not have the supplies the other groups needed but once we got useful supplies we were able to trade with other groups to get what we need. The main issue we were faced with was that we were not originally provided with the proper amount of utilities and supplies needed to make our shelter, food, education, etc. Group 1 had won in our class. This group was provided with the most supplies to trade with other groups and to use. They were also very greedy with their supplies, which did not prove beneficial to the other “communities.” My group was an excellent example as to how the American Dream can be achieved by hard work and dedication. This has shown how my group achieved success by working hard with the little we had, while other were already at a high status putting them at an advantage. This activity gave us an example for how the concept of capitalism will work in multiple communities. The wealthy and fortunate control every other social group of people. It will be broken down by status and with the wealthy group in charge it can either be very easy for the other classes to thrive, or in our class example only work for the benefit of the wealthy. 
~ Chloe 

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