Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Julia Orlando 11/22/16

Today in class we took a new approach and did not use our laptops as we had a group activity.  In the group activity we had a list of directions with a set base of materials which sometimes was hard to complete the task. We came together we can use hard work and team work to complete a task but some issues got in the way... Some people got angry and some stole/ cheated from other groups. A lot of the groups were not easily willing to share their materials which made things complicated amongst getting the materials needed to complete the tasks. It was interesting to see how people also create things differently and how they interpret things differently.
I do think my group was successful because we all were polite to each other and what I saw to other group members as well. To me, success is doing the best you can do and feeling accomplished in the end. I felt like that even when our group came in second place. We had one obstacle in our way, but nothing prevented us from feeling successful which is all that matters. If some of us decided to act rash or full of absolute rage then maybe that would have influenced the rest of the group but none of us did which allowed for a smooth success to be paved. What helped my group was that we were not crazy and if I was taking my time with the paper, nobody would yell at me. We were all fair and patient with one another which showed team work. One thing that might have held us back is that we were kind of slow with getting materials but that is okay! We got the materials in the end and thats all that mattered in the end.
Our experiment showed that not everything is easy and you do have to step up and do things eventually. With gathering the materials we realized that chances fly by really quick and you do have to think but act quickly. We had to think about what to trade and why like authors had to chose what to write and what eras. As a group we came together despite our views and got along which is not easy but we trudged through it. The American dream showed up

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