Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Samantha Russo 11/22/16

Today in class we did an activity where the class was divided into four groups and each of the groups picked a number. The amount of supplies that your group gets depended on the number your group picked, and the numbers represented how high/low your status was. With the suppliesthat came with your number you would have to, build a shelter, make food, and provide an education. All of the groups were missing some of the supplies you would have needed to complete this, some groups were missing more than others, that is why you were allowed to make trades for some materials with other groups. There were points while trading where some of the groups trading got out of hand and people had to be sent to jail other than that it went quite well. The group that I was in did not get a lot of materials to work with therefore we had to work harder. Unfortunately my group was not able achieve success today, and I know this because we were not able to make any of the requirements in the amount of time given. This is because we had so little no one wanted to trade with us. What held my group back was definitely the fact that we had almost nothing to start with, also no one wanted to trade with us, no one let us borrow anything, and that is why we weren't able to get much done. However, there were little thing that my group had the materials for so it wasn't a total failure. What this experiment reveals about success in capitalism/ the American dream is that yes, hard work can equal an improved status but the cooperation of the people that can potentially help is also a very important factor in the American dream. 

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