Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Tony Xhudo 11/22/16

In Todays class we overviewed the very basics of capitalism and tried to show the American work ethic of hard work equals good status. In this small project we got split into four separate groups each of which were given materials to build product, but not enough materials to finish every product. The goal being to trade resources and be the first to make each product or a successful civilization.

Did your group achieve SUCCESS today? How do you know?
-Our group (group 4: also known as the one destined to fail due to materials) did not succeed mainly due to the lack of willingness of other groups wanting to trade (group 1). We know we failed because we never managed to create a book.

What helped your group to succeed? What held you back?
Our group only got as far as we did due to our good bargaining choices. We decided to make extra minerals to trade them for specific materials. We were undoubtedly held back by groups one's choice to not trade their paper with us.

What does our experiment reveal about success in capitalism/the American Dream (e.g. hard work = improved status)? 
The experiment proved that capitalism will never favor everyone. For anyone to succeed others must fail. Although it also showed that sometimes it won't matter how hard you work others may not allow you to "improve your status" or just succeed. Overall this project proves that success is not obtainable by all in a capitalistic sense, but that does not discuss how success is different for all and is more opinion base than it is factual. Like how in our group our community never built a book meaning we were uneducated but not exactly unsuccessful, we might as well have won in our perception.

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