Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Robbie Gennat Civilization Simulation

Class today was very intriguing. We started class by dividing into four different groups . Each group was then given a supply drop, some more useful than the others. We were also given a list describing various utilities we must create and the first group to make all the utilities wins. The simulation started and the groups began intermingling with each other. My group was surprised to find we were one of the only groups with scissors and used that to our advantage. We quickly made rings and traded them as minerals to get supplies to make food and a shelter. This later hurt us as we realized the value of the minerals was way higher than we sold it for. This lead my group to be at a disadvantage throughout the rest of the event. Time passed, my group struggled, and a victor was crowned. The winning group had completed all the tasks before we did half. My group went over to examine how their success could be reached and we found that they were given all the supplies necessary in their supply drop except minerals. This outraged us. My group did not find succes in this activity because we made little of the slim chance we had to win. If my group were to value our minerals better we could have levered better trades from the groups with all the supplies. Our group had the fewest items to begin so we were always at a disadvantage. This activity reveals that it is easier to be success when you already have the tools for success. In civilization, the privileged have an upper hand on the rest of society because they have the tools needed already.

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