Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Sarah kokoszka

The group project we did in class today was necessarily a class project. In order to complete the task we all had to work together in our indivisual groups but also had to work with other groups to complete the mission.  The project basically took all of the class period and we all raced against each other trying to be the first to win. The question asks if my group achieved success today.  Though statistically we did not win, I do believe we were successful. I believe this because we all worked well together, no one yelled, no one got mad or crazy. I believe my group necessarily stayed with a positive outlook which is good to have in group workings. What helped us succeed was the positive outlook and being organized. WHAT held our group back was that some people were doing things without consulting with the rest of the group. When someone did not consult with everyone else that would cause a problem because then we would become disorganized. This experiment reveals that people are disturbingly angry under circumstances. Just from this simple project you can see  how easily some people get. To add, this project dealt with multiple aspects and shows that people get extremely stressed out when thrown so many tasks. In this project, you saw some people stay calm and collected, others got Ansy, and others became cheaters. In this project you saw sides of people that you would rather have not seen. This also shows that people who work hard, the people who continue to fight for their goals, sometimes it does not happen, but it also can. This shows that everyone lives a different life meaning everyone has different adversities. With certain adversities you have either an advantage to succeed or it will pull you down. Your success depends on how you react and take on a situation. Success does not mean winning. Success means moving forward

1. In my opinion succsss is not winning but rather than giving your all. I believe my group did succeed in this project. All of us worked very well together in an organized manner. We were not the first in  the class to finish but we were very very close. We came in second place, but i would not have done anything differently if we could go back because I believe we all worked just very well with organization and maintaining a good character.

2. What helped our group succeed is that we stayed humane. Obviously no one in the class went absolutely nuts but there was a lot of attitude exchanged by person. My group on the other hand, stayed calm and had a very positive out look on things. Nothing really held us back but if I could choose anything that held us back it would be that one part in the project where James made a "trade" without telling the rest of the group and that messed up not only our group but others, resulting in sean going to jail.

3. Our experiment revealed that capitalism is in America is in it to win it. We all come from different aspects of life, different culture, different adversities. As things become tougher, people tend to become more aggressive, and maybe resulting that person to a more negative aspect in life. This project showed that with the things we have in life, it is your decision to do what you will with it. Use what you have wisely and maybe you can get through life successfully. If you do things too quick without thought and acknowlegment of others than you might just end up screwing your self up.

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